Thursday, December 1, 2016



Air terjun ini belum begitu terkenal namun belakangan ini semenjak penggemar instagram senang meng-explore tempat-tempat yang baru dan yang indah tentunya, maka Air Terjun Banyu Mala ini pun makin kerap di kunjungi.
Tempat Indah nan Asri ini memiliki panorama yang indah dan sangat memukau ketika pertamakali menolehkan pandangan ke tempat ini, makan kalian akan merasa sedikit terkejut dan ingin teriakkk "WOWWW"

Kalau Kalian kesana, kalian harus mengeluarkan tenaga dan lebih berhati-hati, ya wajar saja karena tempat ini dikelilingi hutan jadi tempat dan jalan menuju kesana sedikit lembab, apalagi disaat hujan turun maka jalanan akan sedikit lebih licin dan becek. Masih belum ada fasilitas jalan yang bagus.

We tried to visit this waterfall by ourselves, the drive down was very scary and dangerous. If you want to visit this waterfall be sure to park at the top and prepare for a tough and long hike down.

Still natural, less crowded. Highly recommended for those who loves the nature and seeking a quiet atmosphere to reduce the stress from the hustle of bustle and traffic jammed down the south of Bali.
Bit of a challenge to reach, both by car, and the walk in and out is a bit scary. There are some very steep wooden steps to climb and a bit of a hike to get out but it was absolutely worth it. The falls are amazing and there's plenty of room for swimming.

For me it is one of the best waterfall in Bali. It's huge enough to impress yourself and there's a good area for swimming, enjoying view, even take a nap. The downsides are challenging walking to get into the waterfalls and road down is not so good. Based on my experiences, the easier the walk, the least impressive the waterfall.

Well i hope this is help you enough guys, and do not be mind to ask me at the comment or email me if you have any answer.

Thanks & Best Regards,
Joe Angin